Saturday, May 6, 2017

Burdock at two!

Unlike beavers, squirrels, chickadees, and many other species of wildlife, porcupines often have such distinctive appearances that individuals can be recognized. However, the last time I saw Burdock, the porcupette I fostered in 2015,  he was a month shy of his first birthday and had the fluffy black coat sported by all young porcupines. Now, a year later, I wondered how much he might have changed, and if I would be able to recognize him. His woolly coat would now be concealed by the long, coarse outer hair of an adult coat, and he would have different coloration and adult features.

When he turned up for the porcupine social season in April, 2017, he did look pretty different, but there was no doubting he was Burdock.
Burdock, 2016

Burdock, 2017
Burdock, 2016

Burdock, 2017

Fancy hairdo!

New coat color and texture.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Snacks from heaven

Upon returning from overseas adventures, I set out to see how the Jenny Lake beavers were faring—Dew and her small kit Charlie, and Dew's mate, Ilex. When I neared the pond, I found Charlie's tracks wandering through the woods and meadows downstream from the pond. I had been worried that this little beaver would need some help making it through the winter, and this activity may have indicated that he was hungry.

Charlie tracks by my ski
The next day, I returned to the lodge with hand drills, and inserted a pipe through the vent of the lodge. I now deliver nourishing snacks right into the beavers' livingroom.
Feeding hose in top of lodge